Public and financial information
General information
General information
Full name (Unified State Register)
Full name of the Company:
Abbreviated name of the Company:
in Ukrainian - JSC "IC "INGO";
in English - JSIC "INGO".
Commercial (company) name
Commercial name of the Company:
Short commercial name of the Company:
in Ukrainian - JSIC "INGO";
in English - JSIC "INGO".
Registration documents
Disclosure of information to clients in accordance with Articles 7 of the Law of Ukraine "On Financial Services and Financial Companies"
Information about the location
Location and postal address of the Company: 33, Bulvarno-Kudriavska St., Kyiv, 01054, Ukraine
Inclusion of a financial institution in the State Register of Financial Institutions
Trademarks used by INGO to provide financial services
Extract from the State Register of Trademark Certificates of Ukraine.pdfExtract from the State Register of Trademarks and Service Marks.pdfCertificate for TM No. 288967 "INGO".pdfCertificate for TM No. 288968 "INGO".pdfCertificate for TM No. 338800 "INGO Insurance Company".pdfCertificate for TM No. 338801 "INGO Insurance Company".pdfCertificate for the mark for goods and services No. 240276.pdfCertificate for trademark for goods and services No. 108985.pdf
List of licenses for insurance activities (direct insurance and incoming reinsurance) in accordance with the Extract from the State Register of Financial Institutions dated April 26, 2024, notification # 27-0024/32802
Archive (Licenses for voluntary types of insurance)
Voluntary insurance of cargo and baggage (cargo and luggage).pdfVoluntary insurance of land transport (except for railway transport).pdfVoluntary insurance of property (except for rail, land, air, water transport (inland waterway and other types of water transport), cargo and baggage (cargo and baggage).pdfVoluntary liability insurance of water transport owners (including carrier liability).pdfVoluntary insurance of water transport (inland waterway and other types of water transport).pdfVoluntary civil liability insurance for owners of land transport (including carrier liability).pdfVoluntary insurance of air transport.pdfVoluntary accident insurance.pdfVoluntary insurance of liability of air transport owners (including carrier liability).pdfVoluntary third party liability insurance.pdfVoluntary insurance against fire and natural disaster risks.pdfVoluntary insurance of medical expenses.pdfVoluntary health insurance (continuous health insurance).pdfVoluntary insurance of railway transport.pdfVoluntary loan insurance (including borrower's liability for loan default).pdfVoluntary health insurance in case of illness.pdfVoluntary financial risk insurance.pdfVoluntary insurance of agricultural products.pdf
Archive (Licenses for compulsory types of insurance)
Compulsory personal insurance for employees of departmental (except for those working in institutions and organizations financed from the State Budget of Ukraine) and rural fire protection and members of voluntary fire brigades (teams).pdfCompulsory insurance of the mortgaged property against the risks of accidental destruction, accidental damage or deterioration.pdfCompulsory aviation insurance for civil aviation.pdfCompulsory personal insurance against accidents in transport.pdfCompulsory insurance of civil liability of the nuclear facility operator for nuclear damage that may be caused as a result of a nuclear incident.pdfCompulsory insurance of property risks in the commercial development of oil and gas fields in cases stipulated by the Law of Ukraine "On Oil and Gas".pdfCompulsory insurance of civil liability of owners of land vehicles.pdfMandatory insurance of civil liability of business entities for damage that may be caused by fires and accidents at high-risk facilities.pdfCompulsory civil liability insurance for Ukrainian citizens who own or otherwise legally possess weapons for damage that may be caused to a third party or its property as a result of the possession, storage or use of these weapons.pdfVoluntary insurance of issued guarantees (sureties) and accepted guarantees.pdfVoluntary insurance of guarantees (sureties) issued and guarantees accepted.pdf
Information on separate structural units and insurance intermediaries
Information on separate structural units and insurance intermediaries
List of separate structural units
List of insurance intermediaries
Personnel composition of management bodies
Personnel composition of management bodies
Supervisory Board
Chairman of the Supervisory Board - Oleksiy Semenovych Bolkhovitinov
Member of the Supervisory Board - Jacek Jakub Meisner
Member of the Supervisory Board - Andriy Vasylovych Fomenko
Member of the Supervisory Board - Artem Gennadiyovych Lysytskyi
Management Board
Chairman of the Management Board - Igor Gordienko Member of the Management Board - Lyudmila Kolisetska Member of the Management Board - Viktor Shevchenko Member of the Management Board - Oleksandr Matsak Member of the Management Board - Mykola Vorobyov
Audit Committee (Audit Committee) of the Supervisory Board
Chairman of the Committee - Oleksiy Ivanovych Zosimov
Member of the Committee - Oleksiy Semenovych Bolkhovitinov
Member of the Committee - Artem Lysytskyi
Ownership structure
Ownership structure
Ownership structure
Schematic representation of the ownership structure as of January 01, 2024.pdfInformation on the final key participants in the ownership structure of the financial services provider as of January 01, 2024.pdfInformation on owners of significant interest in a financial services provider as of January 01, 2024.pdfThe ownership structure of JSIC INGO by country as of January 01, 23.pdfInformation on the final key participants in the ownership structure of the financial services provider as of January 01, 2023.pdfInformation on owners of significant interest in a financial services provider as of January 01, 2023.pdfOwnership structure of JSIC INGO by country as of January 01, 2022.pdfInformation on the final key participants in the ownership structure of the financial services provider as of January 01, 2022.pdfInformation on owners of significant interest in a financial services provider as of January 01, 2022.pdf
Organizational structure
Organizational structure
Organizational structure
Information for shareholders and stakeholders
Information for shareholders and stakeholders
Special information
Special information (liquidation of separate subdivisions) 24.03.2025.zipSpecial information (change of officers) 17.02.2025.zipNotice of untimely disclosure of special information 06.01.2025.zipSpecial information (decision to pay dividends) 05.12.2024.zipPreliminary consent to commit significant transactions 25.04.2024.zipInformation on the issuer's decision to terminate a separate unit 14.02.2024.zipSpecial information 28.12.2023 (change of officers).zipSpecial information 05.09.2023.zipSpecial information 29.06.2023.zipSpecial information 11.05.2023 (change of officers).zipSpecial information (prior consent) 27.04.2023.zipSpecial information (change of officers) 27.04.2023.zipSpecial information (officials) 23.12.2022.pdfSpecial information 27.09.2022.pdfSpecial information (officials) 27.09.2022.pdfSpecial information (prior consent) 29.04.2021.zipSpecial information 16.11.2020.pdfSpecial information 16285602_16.10.2020.pdfNotice of information 16285602_19.03.2020.pdfSpecial information of the issuer 12.12.2018.pdfSpecial information of the issuer 02.05.2018.pdfSpecial information of the issuer 12.12.2017.pdfNotification of special information of the issuer 1.pdfNotification of special information of the issuer 2.pdf
Regular information
Other information
Decisions of the governing bodies. Minutes of the General Meeting of Shareholders No. 72.pdfDecisions of the governing bodies. Minutes of the General Meeting of Shareholders No. 71.PDFAnnouncement of the General Meeting of Shareholders on 12/19/2022.pdfNotice to shareholders regarding the Company's shares as of 12/13/2022.pdfRemote general meeting of shareholders.zipShareholder notification regarding the Company's shares as of 07.11.2022.pdfAnnouncement of the General Meeting of Shareholders on 27.09.2022.pdfShareholder notification regarding the Company's shares as of 09/21/2022.pdfShareholder notification regarding the Company's shares as of 08/26/2022.pdfNotice to shareholders regarding the Company's shares as of 03/29/2021.pdfAnnouncement of the General Meeting on 03/29/2021.pdfNotice to shareholders regarding the Company's shares as of 10.11.2020.pdfAnnouncement of the General Meeting of Shareholders on 10/16/2020.pdfNotice to shareholders regarding the Company's shares as of 10/16/2020.pdfNotice to shareholders regarding the Company's shares as of 12.10.2020.pdfShareholder notification regarding the Company's shares as of 09/16/2020.pdfShareholder notification regarding the Company's shares as of 03/17/2020.pdfAnnouncement of amendments to the agenda of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders dated 24.02.2020.pdfAnnouncement of the general meeting of shareholders on 17.02.2020.pdfShareholder notification regarding the Company's shares as of 02/17/20.pdfNotice of the total number of shares 04.12.2019.pdfAnnouncement of the general meeting of shareholders on 17.11.2019.pdfAnnouncement of the General Meeting on 25.04.2019.pdfNotice to shareholders regarding the Company's shares as of 03/25/2019.pdfAnnouncement of the General Meeting of Shareholders on 12.12.2018.pdfAnnouncement of the general meeting of shareholders on 23.03.2018.pdfAnnouncement of the general meeting of shareholders on 11.09.2017.pdfAnnouncement of the general meeting of shareholders on 13.04.2017.pdf
Internal regulations
Internal regulations
Privacy policy
Corporate Governance Code
Anti-corruption program «INGO»
Basic annual financial statements
Basic annual financial statements
Balance.pdfStatement of financial results.pdfStatement of cash flows.pdfStatement of equity.pdfIndependent auditor's assurance report 2022.pdfIndependent auditor's report on the financial statements 2022.pdfIndependent auditor's report on the consolidated financial statements 2022.pdfExplanation of reinsurance operations.pdfConditions for ensuring the insurer's solvency.pdfPerformance indicators for voluntary insurance other than life insurance and compulsory insurance.pdfReport on insurance payments and payments by structural units of the insurer.pdfExplanatory note to the insurer's financial statements.pdf
Balance.pdfStatement of financial results.pdfStatement of cash flows.pdfStatement of equity.pdfIncome and expense statement.pdfManagement report of JSIC "INGO" JSC.pdfCorporate governance report.pdfManagement report (management report).pdfIndependent auditor's assurance report 2021.pdfIndependent auditor's report on the financial statements 2021.pdfIndependent auditor's report on the consolidated financial statements 2021.pdfNotes to the annual financial statements.pdfPerformance indicators for voluntary insurance other than life insurance and compulsory insurance.pdfPerformance indicators by type of compulsory insurance.pdfExplanation of reinsurance operations.pdfConditions for ensuring the insurer's solvency.pdfReport on insurance payments and payments by structural units of the insurer.pdfExplanatory note to the insurer's financial statements.pdf
Balance.pdfStatement of financial results.pdfStatement of cash flows.pdfStatement of equity.pdfIncome and expense statement.pdfManagement report of JSIC "INGO" JSC.pdfManagement report.pdfIndependent auditor's report on financial statements 2020 for the NSSMC.pdfIndependent auditor's report on the 2020 financial statements for the NBU.pdfIndependent auditor's report on the consolidated financial statements 2020 for the NSSMC.pdfIndependent auditor's report on the 2020 consolidated financial statements for the NBU.pdfNotes to the annual financial statements.pdfPerformance indicators for voluntary insurance other than life insurance and compulsory insurance.pdfPerformance indicators by type of compulsory insurance.pdfExplanation of reinsurance operations.pdfConditions for ensuring the insurer's solvency.pdfReport on insurance payments and payments by structural units of the insurer.pdfExplanatory note to the insurer's financial statements.pdf
Annual reports
Register of lost forms
Register of lost forms
Register of lost forms
Information on the priority of satisfaction of consumer claims under insurance contracts that may arise in the event of the insurer being declared bankrupt, in accordance with part nine of Article 92 of the Bankruptcy Code of Ukraine
Information on the priority of satisfaction of consumer claims under insurance contracts that may arise in the event of the insurer being declared bankrupt, in accordance with part nine of Article 92 of the Bankruptcy Code of Ukraine
Information on the priority of satisfaction of consumer claims under insurance contracts that may arise in the event of the insurer being declared bankrupt, in accordance with part nine of Article 92 of the Bankruptcy Code of Ukraine
The procedure for processing personal data of consumers and actions to protect them
The procedure for processing personal data of consumers and actions to protect them
The procedure for processing personal data of consumers and actions to protect them
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