Cargo insurance
For 30 years we have been providing insurance coverage for cargo owners, logistics companies and other parties involved in cargo transportation.
INGO's insurance solutions help minimize losses arising from unforeseen situations.

Protecting against risks
We protect against a wide range of insurance risks, depending on the coverage you choose. The most common risks:

Features of cargo insurance
- Insurance coverage is valid throughout the entire transportation route (including the loading/unloading process)
- Insurance coverage is provided for any type of cargo during transportation by any means of transport (including multimodal transportation)
- The cargo insurance contract can be concluded both for a single transportation and for transportation during a certain period
- The basis for determining the sum insured is the actual value of the cargo in accordance with the commercial invoice. By agreement of the parties, the insurance contract may provide another basis for determining the insured amount, and the actual value of the cargo may include additional costs (transportation, storage, freight, customs payments, etc.)
Benefits of insurance in INGO
outlook - «Evolving»

What risks do we cover (main risks)?
- fire, lightning strike, explosion;
- grounding of the vessel, stranding, sinking or overturning of the vessel;
- overturning or derailment of a land vehicle carrying cargo;
- collision of the vehicle with any foreign object or subject, including road accidents), except for water;
- washing away of cargo by a wave or throwing deck cargo overboard in order to save the vessel;
- penetration of sea, river or lake water into the hold or other cargo space of the vessel, other vehicle, container or other place of storage of cargo;
- mechanical damage or complete loss of an entire cargo place during unloading or loading;
- natural disasters;
- theft, robbery, mugging;
- mechanical damage to the cargo during loading or unloading ("Damage during loading or unloading");
- disappearance of the vehicle with the cargo.
INGO offers an additional insurance coverage option that extends the classic coverage to war risks.
What are the options for insurance coverage?
- «All risks» - under these terms, all risks are insured, except for those that are specified as exclusions.
- «With liability for agreed risks» - cargo protection against specific, listed risks at the request of the client (insured) or the contract for the supply of cargo.
What are the options for cargo insurance contracts?
- Single contract - concluded to insure one specific transportation.
- General contract with the issuance of insurance certificates - a separate insurance certificate is concluded for each cargo transportation.
- General contract - all cargoes pre-declared and listed in a periodic report (daily, sectionally, per month) are considered insured.
In what territory is the insurance coverage valid?
The insurance contract is valid on the territory within the route of transportation, except for the territories specified in the contract (e.g., war zones, occupied territories, certain countries, etc.).
How does the insurance coverage work?
The insurance coverage is valid continuously during the entire period of transportation from the place of departure to the place of destination, including the period of transit storage, loading, reloading, unloading operations along the route of transportation, including storage at the place of destination.
Is the storage of cargo in the warehouse covered?
For example, we offer cargo insurance with automatic coverage of their storage in warehouses within the transportation route.
How is the sum insured determined?
The basis for determining the sum insured is the actual value of the cargo. The actual value is defined as the value of the cargo at the manufacturer's and/or supplier's price in accordance with the contract, commercial invoice, waybill, etc.
When insuring cargoes transported on CIF and CIP terms in accordance with the International Rules for the Interpretation of Commercial Terms (Incoterms 2010), the sum insured may be set at 110% of the value of the cargo and freight specified in the sale and purchase agreement.
By agreement of the parties, another basis for determining the sum insured may be provided. The actual value of the cargo may include transportation, storage, freight, customs duties, etc.