An insured event under a MTPL policy

How to contact us:



Call the INGO contact center directly from the scene

1. Instructions on how to act in the event of an insured event

  1. Stay calm and follow all the requirements of the Traffic Rules.
  2. Call the INGO Contact Center directly from the scene of the accident at (044) 490-27-47 or (050) 119-01-47 or (067) 246-80-07 and follow the recommendations of the contact center.
  3. Call the police -102 or draw up a Europrotocol.
  4. If there are victims, call an ambulance - 103.
  5. Get information about the parties to the accident: Name, make and model of the vehicle, insurance policy number, name of the insurance company. Take pictures of the accident scene from different angles.
  6. Fill out the form "Report of an accident" and no later than Z working days from the date of the accident, send it together with the documents to the e-mail address (in the subject line of the e-mail, be sure to indicate your insurance case number received from the contact center when registering the insured event by phone) or through the form "Claim for compensation".
  7. Keep the damaged property in the same condition as it was at the time of the accident until it is inspected by a representative of JSIC "INGO".
  8. If the CTPCI of the culprit of the accident is valid from 2025, for the future repair of the damaged car, you need to choose a service station from the list here.

    Important: if the car is less than 5 years old, the service station is a Dealer, if it is over 5 years old, the service station is not a Dealer.
    In an e-mail with a package of documents for reimbursement, or by a separate call to the INGO contact center, it is necessary to indicate the option of reimbursement chosen by the owner of the damaged car: restoration repair at the service station (indicating the name of the selected service station from the list) or transfer of the reimbursement amount to the account of the owner of the damaged car.
    In order to receive compensation to the owner's details, the damaged car must be inspected by an expert within 10 working days from the date of submission of the documents. The car cannot be restored until it is inspected by an INGO representative.

2. Documents required for insurance indemnity

  1. Report of the accident (this form must be printed, filled in, signed, dated and its photo/scanned copy sent to us)
  1. Copy of the passport and identification code of the vehicle owner or authorized representative - IMPORTANT! Copies of these documents must be duly certified - that is, there must be the inscription "According to the original" or "The copy is true", the date and the signature of the recipient of the funds
  2. Copy of the Power of Attorney (if any)
  3. Copy of the insurance policy
  4. Copy of the T3 registration certificate
  5. A copy of the driver's license / temporary registration card for the right to drive
  6. Copy of the accident scheme, explanations, administrative protocol
  7. Europrotocol (if the accident was registered without the participation of the police)
  8. Court decision with a wet seal (upon agreement)
  9. Application for payment (this form must be printed, filled out, signed, dated and its photo/scanned copy sent to us). - Submitted by the owner or authorized person (in the presence of a Power of Attorney that gives the right to receive insurance compensation)
11. Necessary documents to ensure financial monitoring*

*Pursuant to the requirements of the Law of Ukraine "On Prevention and Counteraction to Legalization (Laundering) of Proceeds of Crime, Terrorist Financing and Financing of Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction"

IMPORTANT! Copies of these documents must be duly certified:

In order to certify a copy of a document by an individual, it is necessary for such a person to put

  • handwritten note "According to the original" or "Copy is true", or in case of a stamp - "According to the original"
  • personal signature of the person certifying the copy, his/her initials and surname;
  • date of copy certification.

To certify a copy of a legal entity 's documents, an authorized representative of the legal entity must

  1. either affix a mark on paper copies of documents (without applying a digital signature): on each paper copy of the document, a mark on the certification of a copy of this document containing the inscription "According to the original" and indicating the position title (if any), personal signature of the person certifying the copy, his/her name and surname, and the date of certification of the copy.

If paper scanned copies of documents are provided separately, the above note must be made on each copy of the document.
If a stitched and numbered package of documents is submitted, the certification mark shall be indicated on the last page of the package of documents.

  1. or signed the archive of the required completed documents (files) by applying a CEP.

ni-clipboard-list-check.svg If the recipient of funds is an individual and the amount of insurance indemnity exceeds UAH 40 thousand.

The list of documents from an individual in accordance with the Letter of request for financial monitoring of a financial institution

ni-clipboard-list-check.svg If the recipient of funds is a LEGAL ENTITY, regardless of the amount of insurance indemnity.

List of documents from a legal entity in accordance with the Letter of request for financial monitoring of a legal entity

ni-clipboard-list-check.svg If the recipient of the funds is an individual entrepreneur, regardless of the amount of insurance indemnity.

List of documents from a sole proprietor in accordance with the Letter of Request for Financial Monitoring of a sole proprietor

How to apply?

Prepare the necessary documents and send them to the email address (in the subject line of the email, be sure to indicate your insurance case number received from the contact center when registering an insured event by phone).
You can also submit documents through the form «Reimbursement Request Form» (below). In this case, be sure to indicate your correct e-mail address for the possibility of feedback communication from INGO.

3. The European Protocol

What is the Europrotocol?

The Europrotocol in Ukraine gives drivers the right to register minor accidents in a simplified manner without calling the police. It was enacted into law in Ukraine in September 2011.

Registration of an accident using the Europrotocol is a right, not an obligation, for drivers to record an accident in this way. If at least one of the drivers (for whatever reason) does not want to fill out the Europrotocol, the police should be called to the scene of the accident.

A completed Europrotocol form is a full-fledged documentary evidence of an accident, analogous to a police certificate.

The main advantages of registering an accident with the help of the Europrotocol:

  • Time saving for the parties involved in the accident
  • Drivers are exempted from the need to communicate with the police and the court
  • The culprit of the accident does not pay a fine for violation of traffic rules
  • The police do not confiscate driver's licenses at the scene of an accident, there is no need to visit the court to obtain a court order
  • Reducing traffic congestion at the accident scene for other road users

The Europrotocol can be used to document an accident under 5 conditions:

  1. There are no persons injured or killed in the accident
  2. There are only two parties to the accident, both drivers agree with the circumstances of the accident, and one of them admits his or her guilt in the accident.
  3. The parties to the accident have a valid CTPCI (Motor Third Party Liability Insurance) policy
  4. Both drivers have no signs of alcohol or drug intoxication
  5. The amount of damage to the party injured in the accident does not exceed UAH 160,000.
Procedure for registration of an accident using the European Protocol
  1. Take a photo of the car at the scene of the accident and the place of the accident (turn on the geolocation option on the phone you are taking the photo with)
  2. Fill out the Europrotocol at the scene of the accident without changing the condition of the cars
  3. Sign the completed document by both participants
  4. Divide the Europrotocol form between the signatories
  5. Within 3 business days, the culprit shall submit a claim for the insured event to his/her insurance company and hand over his/her part of the completed Europrotocol form.
Tips and basic rules for using the Europrotocol

Under the European Protocol, only material damage up to UAH 160,000 is compensated.

If it turns out that the amount of damage exceeds UAH 160,000, the culprit will have to compensate the rest of the damage on their own.

If you are not sure about the circumstances of the accident or have doubts about the possible amount of damage, call the police!

When exactly do I need to fill out the Europrotocol?

  • Directly at the scene of the accident. Do not move the car from the scene of the accident until the Europrotocol is completely filled out and signed

How many copies of the Europrotocol should be filled out?

  • To register an accident using the Europrotocol, use one Europrotocol form of one of the parties to the accident

How to determine which of the two columns drivers need to fill in?

  • It does not matter which column of the Europrotocol (yellow or blue) is filled in by the culprit and the victim.
  • Each driver fills in his/her part/column of the Europrotocol independently
  • The Europrotocol is filled in with a ballpoint pen, which automatically copies the text on the 2nd sheet
  • The Europrotocol is divided only after it is completed and signed by both drivers involved in the accident
  • It does not matter which of the parties to the accident gets a particular sheet of the Europrotocol (original (sheet 1) or copy (sheet 2))
  • Do not supplement the content of the Europrotocol after it is divided between the participants

What should I do if I made a mistake while filling out the form?

  • Corrections are not allowed when filling out the Europrotocol. If you spoil the form, take a new one
  • You can get a new Europrotocol form at any time from your insurance company.

What if there is not enough space on the form to describe all the circumstances of the accident?

  • Non-standard and additional information about the accident can be reflected in an addendum to the Europrotocol. The addendum should be drawn up in 2 copies, signed and indicated in line 14 of the Europrotocol.
Electronic European Protocol

With the help of the Electronic Europrotocol information system, this notification can be made electronically using a regular smartphone right at the scene of the accident.

The electronic Europrotocol is filled in by the participants in one copy on any mobile device with a camera and Internet access.

The decision of the MTIBU Presidium dated 13.07.17 No. 403/2017 stipulates that from 01.10.2017 the Europrotocol executed in electronic form is a complete analogue of the Europrotocols sent or submitted to the insurer in paper form.

4. What shouldn't be done?

  • Leave the scene of an accident without consulting the insurer's contact center (if only property was damaged). Ignore the need to contact the contact center
  • Do not coordinate your actions with the INGO contact center
  • Repair the damaged vehicle until it is inspected by an INGO representative.

Reimbursement application form

The insurer pays the insurance indemnity after agreeing on the amount of the indemnity and upon receipt of all necessary documents. Use online services to submit documents.

Frequently asked questions
In this section, we have collected the most frequently asked questions from our clients. If you do not find the information you are interested in, please use the feedback form.
Frequently asked questions

Do I need to call the police to the scene of an accident?

It is not necessary to call the police if the parties have valid MTPL insurance contracts and the damage does not exceed UAH 160,000, there are no victims in the accident, the drivers agree on the circumstances of the accident and show no signs of intoxication. Or if the insured is the only party to the accident, the damage does not exceed UAH 80,000 and such a condition is provided for in his or her motor hull insurance contract. In other cases, it is mandatory to call the police.

Is it possible to leave the scene of an accident if we are interfering with other road users? If so, how far can we move away?

You can leave the scene of the accident only after the accident has been registered. If you use the Europrotocol to record an accident, you must first fill out the form or its electronic version and take detailed photos of the accident. Only then can you leave the scene of the accident.

Why do I need to provide written explanations if we have already discussed everything over the phone?

A telephone conversation may miss details that are important for finding out all the causes and circumstances of the accident. In the case of MTPL, the law requires that you provide a written notice to the insurance company within three business days after the accident.

What should I do if the other party (the culprit of the accident) does not have a valid MTPL policy?

In this case, it is better for the injured party to contact the MTIBU, which will make the insurance payment.

Why do I have to provide all my documents again if I have already done so when applying for an insurance contract and they are in your database?

Even though the documents were already submitted when the insurance contract was drawn up, they need to be submitted again for verification purposes, as the documents may have changed.

Can I see the calculation/examination/invoice?

Yes, of course. To do this, you need to write a written application and send a photocopy of it to us at In the subject line of the email, be sure to indicate your insurance case number, which was provided to you by the Contact Center when registering the insured event by phone. A response will be sent within 30 calendar days.

How long does it take to settle an insured event?

On average, an insured event under MTPL is settled within 2 weeks from the date of inspection of the car.

Why was I denied compensation? I do not agree with this decision. What should I do?

You can file an application for review of the decision, indicating the grounds for this procedure. For example, if you made a phone call after the accident from a place other than the scene, you must state the reasons why you were unable to do so.

Why did the expert calculate such a small amount of compensation?

The amount of insurance payment is affected by the operational wear and tear of the vehicle (depreciation). Therefore, the accrued amount may be less than you expected. You can check the correctness of the accrual using the Methodology of commodity expertise and evaluation of wheeled vehicles approved by the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine. You can familiarize yourself with the methodology here -

Why don't you pay the amount based on the results of the examination conducted by my expert?

The Law of Ukraine "On Motor Third Party Liability Insurance" allows the victim to engage their own experts to assess damages and investigate the circumstances of the accident only if the insurance company has not sent its own expert within 10 business days.

Why do you calculate car wear and tear?

The law requires insurance companies to calculate compensation based on the operational wear and tear of a car. In particular, this is stipulated by the Methodology for Commodity Expertise and Evaluation of Wheeled Vehicles approved by the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine.

Why did you deduct the deductible from the total amount?

The insurance indemnity is paid within the sum insured, but after deduction of the deductible. The amount of the deductible is set by the insurance contract and may not exceed 2 percent of the sum insured.

I do not agree with the amount of payment. What should I do?

The Law of Ukraine on MTPL provides for the payment of the cost of restoration repairs, taking into account wear and tear, depending on the year of manufacture of the car. If you disagree with the amount of payment, the insurance company conducts an additional examination of the damage with the involvement of an independent expert.

Can I receive a refund to my own account?

Thus, the insurance indemnity is paid to the account of the service station, the owner of the damaged vehicle or an authorized person.

Why can't I receive a payment from an authorized station or dealer?

Because the insurance company reimburses the costs associated with the restoration of the vehicle, taking into account depreciation. Whereas an official station or dealer provides car repairs WITHOUT taking into account its depreciation.

Can I get an insurance certificate?

Yes, of course. The insurance certificate is provided in response to your request. You need to write a written application and send a photocopy of it to us by e-mail to In the subject line of the email, be sure to indicate your insurance case number, which was provided by the contact center during the registration of the insured event by phone. A response will be sent within 30 calendar days.

Which authorities can I file a complaint against your company?

We are sorry that you are not satisfied with the company's work. First, you can write us a review and tell us what you think are the gaps in our work -  - . We will be grateful for your feedback, as it helps us to become better.

Second, you can contact the National Bank, which regulates insurance companies. If your appeal is related to MTPL, please send it to the Motor Transport Insurance Bureau of Ukraine