Aircraft insurance
What can you insure?
- Aircraft
- Spare parts
- Special equipment installed on board

Protection against risks
Aircraft protection is valid during:
- regular operation
- flight
- storage
- demonstration and special flights
Benefits of insurance in INGO

We additionally reimburse the costs of:
- transportation of the damaged aircraft to the repair facility
- delivery of employees, materials and units to the location of the damaged aircraft
- returning the aircraft from the repair site to the nearest airport
- ensuring the safety of the aircraft in connection with its emergency or forced landing
- search operations to establish the location of the insured aircraft, which is recognized as missing
outlook - «Evolving»

What risks do we cover?
Losses due to complete (actual or constructive) loss or damage to the aircraft during flight, taxiing, staying on the ground, disappearance of the aircraft; necessary and reasonable expenses for reducing the amount of loss, rescue, protection and transportation of the insured aircraft to the nearest place of repair.
Is aircraft insurance valid only during the flight?
No, we offer to insure the risks associated with the total loss and damage to the aircraft that arise during: taxiing, flying or staying on the ground.
What types of flights are covered by the insurance?
The insurance coverage is provided taking into account different geographical boundaries for different types of flights: passenger transportation, cargo transportation, general aviation flights (non-commercial flight activities), training flights, test flights, demonstration flights, flights for medical assistance, aviation works.
What happens to the insurance contract if the aircraft is idle on the ground?
The insurance agreement may provide for recalculation of the insurance premium in case of aircraft idle time. The unused part of the premium shall be refunded or credited to the following periods of operation.
What is a franchise?
The deductible is a share of the loss paid by the insured. The amount of the deductible is deducted from the insurance payment.
The policyholder's participation in the risk (deductible) is limited to the damage deductible only. The deductible does not apply to the total loss of the aircraft.