JOINT STOCK COMPANY "INSURANCE COMPANY "INGO" announces a RETURNED tender for the selection of audit entities to provide services for the statutory audit of financial statements in accordance with international standards on auditing for the year 2022 and to perform a separate task (if necessary).
The purpose of the tender is to select audit entities on a competitive basis to conduct the statutory audit of financial statements, a full package of documents and consolidated financial statements for 2022, a separate task to confirm the compliance of the financial condition of a legal entity that directly owns a significant share with the requirements established by the norms of specialized legislation of Ukraine (Resolution of the NBU Board 177 dated 12.08.2022, Resolution of the NBU Board No. 153 dated 24.12.2021) (if appropriate).
For detailed information on the process and conditions of the competition, please follow the following links:
- tender documentation
- application form for participation in the competition