Trade credit insurance

Commercial risks:
- Long delay in payment (or non-return of advance payment)
- Insolvency of the buyer (bankruptcy)
- Insolvency of the guarantor (in case of a bank guarantee or surety)
Political risks (for export and import supplies):
- Actions of the foreign counterparty's government authorities
- Non-convertibility of the foreign counterparty's currency into the currency of the foreign economic contract
- War, civil war, revolution, uprising in the country of the foreign counterparty
According to statistics, major bankruptcies occur more often than natural disasters.
Possibility of retroactive coverage (insurance of deliveries that have already taken place at the time of signing the insurance contract)
Optimal payment scheme in accordance with the client's wishes and the specifics of the contract fixed payments throughout the year (4/6/8/12 payments), monthly payment for the actual coverage used, payment of the insurance premium in one payment at the beginning of the term
Mandatorycredit check of all declared counterparties for solvency. Based on the results of this check, a credit limit (the maximum amount of the prospective buyer's current debt) and a credit period (the maximum period of deferred payment) are set.
Benefits of insurance in INGO

You should apply to INGO for trade credit insurance if:
- you make/plan to make deferred payments or import goods and services
- you are under pressure from competitors
- have your own experience of bad debts of a client, or such experience is available in your business sector
- you are entering or planning to enter new markets
- the bank's credit lines do not meet your requirements
outlook - "Evolving"

What is the basis for calculating the cost of trade credit insurance?
The basis for calculating the value may be:
- trade turnover (invoices included in the coverage)
- credit limit (the amount of coverage actually used during the period)
What is the maximum period of deferred payment (credit period) allowed?
The maximum deferred payment period is up to 365 days.
What is the waiting period?
The standard waiting period is 180 days (can be changed according to the specifics of the contract and the client's needs).
What affects the cost of coverage?
The cost of coverage depends on many factors, such as
- volume of trade turnover with deferred payment
- length of the credit period
- country of origin and financial condition of debtors
- quality of the seller's credit management, history of losses