Insurance of construction and installation risks

Types of insurance coverage
- The liability of the insurance company to the client (customer or contractor) increases in proportion to the increase in the value of the building (facility) under construction.
- The insurance coverage is valid for the entire period of contractual works, idle and operational tests of equipment, starting with the performance of preparatory works or unloading of the first batch of the insured property at the construction site and ending with the moment of commissioning of the facility.
- The contract may be extended for the warranty period stipulated in the contractor agreement, or in case of extension of the construction period - for the period of such extension.
Benefits of insurance in INGO

The most likely events leading to losses during construction and installation works:
- Destruction or damage to the construction object (buildings or structures) being constructed by a contractor, construction equipment, machinery and equipment at the construction site, real estate owned by the developer
- Fire or explosion during operational tests and acceptance of work when the installed equipment is loaded with raw materials
- Damage as a result of settling, subsidence of foundations, vibration
- Losses due to errors in the design or defects in structures and materials, errors in calculations, human factor, including insufficient qualification of personnel
- Interruption (suspension) of construction, delay in commencement of business operations at the constructed/installed facility
- Material damage or personal injury to third parties
- Theft on the controlled construction site
- Losses due to short circuit, electrical breakdown, overvoltage
outlook - "Evolving"

Is it possible to include war risks in the coverage?
Currently, it is not possible to include war risk coverage in the insurance program.
Is it possible to supplement insurance coverage with other risks? What can these additions be?
Yes, we take into account the individual characteristics of each project, so we use special additions to the standard coating. They can be divided into 3 groups:
- Clauses that extend the standard scope of insurance coverage
- Clauses that narrow the standard scope of insurance coverage
- Additional obligations of the insured
How does the cost of a building under construction affect the scope of an insurance company's liability?
When insuring construction and installation risks, it should be borne in mind that the liability of the insurance company to the customer or contractor (i.e. the client) increases as the cost of the building under construction increases.