Insurance of farm animals

It protects your investment and allows you to quickly resume business operations in case of loss of livestock.
You can insure your livestock:
  • Cattle
  • Pigs
  • Fur-bearing animals
  • Agricultural poultry
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Insurance of farm animals

An event is recognized as insured if it is recorded:

number of insured animals
occurrence of the insured risk
Cause and effect relationship
between the occurrence of the insured risk and the death of the animals
Features of insurance coverage
Features of insurance coverage

The sum insured is determined by the farm owner within the balance sheet, appraised, contractual or pledged value of farm animals.

The insurance solution is developed individually for each client and may include an extended list of risks as agreed by the parties and if it does not contradict the current legislation of Ukraine.

The cost of insurance is calculated individually for each client, taking into account the conditions of keeping animals and the level of farming.

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Benefits of insurance in INGO

Experience and expertise
We have been working with agricultural risk insurance since 1995. The expertise of agricultural risks is provided by our own staff of specialists with appropriate education.
Reliable protection
Extensive insurance coverage and cooperation with leading reinsurance companies in Western Europe under the obligatory reinsurance protection, which is guaranteed to provide compensation even for catastrophic losses.
Optimal insurance conditions
We recommend high-quality insurance coverage at the best price.
The level of financial stability of INGO
outlook - «Evolving»
Frequently asked questions
In this section, we have collected the most frequently asked questions from our clients. If you do not find the information you are interested in, please use the feedback form
Frequently asked questions

What types of farm animals can be insured?

Accepted for insurance: Cattle, small cattle (sheep, goats, donkeys, mules), pigs raised in an industrial way (pig farms), poultry (chickens, turkeys, ducks, etc.), fur-bearing animals (nutria, muskrats), and others.

What risks can be protected against?

The basic risks for insurance are:

  • fire, lightning, explosion;
  • natural disasters (storm, hurricane, hail, rain, snowfall, landslide, earthquake, rockfall and avalanches)
  • theft, robbery;
  • suffocation (asphyxiation);
  • blockage of the gastrointestinal tract as a result of foreign objects;
  • poisoning on natural pastures by herbs or chemicals;
  • snake or poisonous insect bites;
  • falling into a gorge, pit, etc;
  • attacks by wild animals and feral dogs;
  • drowning;

The list of risks can be expanded by agreement of the parties. Additional risks may include the following:

  • diseases (non-communicable and communicable, the list is separately determined by the insurance contract)
  • being hit by a moving vehicle;
  • unforeseen breakdowns or defects in livestock equipment in the places where the insured animals are kept.

What is the cost of animal insurance?

The cost of insurance is calculated individually for each farm and depends on the level of insurance coverage, the list of farm animals, keeping conditions, insurance territory, etc.

How long does it take to draw up an insurance contract?

It will take us 1-2 business days to draw up an insurance contract and make an expert assessment of the results of the inspection and analysis of documents.

How quickly can an expert come for an inspection?

The average time for an expert to arrive is 3 business days from the date of the request.

Is it possible to insure animals in quarantine?


What risks are not covered?

Epizootics, forced slaughter of animals by order of public authorities, infectious diseases (African swine fever, classical swine fever, rabies, foot and mouth disease, anthrax, etc.).

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