INGO Insurance Company was honored to take part in the SuperHumans Forum organized by the reputable magazine Forbes in Ukraine. The event brought together leading executives and experts from various businesses to discuss topical issues related to human capital management in modern conditions. 

The forum discussed important topics such as supporting, uniting and motivating specialists, preserving human capital during the emigration and mobilization, and using modern technologies to overcome the staff shortage. Ukrainian company executives shared their experience and strategies to effectively support their teams in challenging times.

INGO Insurance Company constantly strives to support employers who care about their teams. Participation in the SuperHumans Forum was another opportunity for our company to exchange experience with colleagues and find new ways to support and develop human capital. We believe that such events contribute to strengthening the corporate culture and increasing the efficiency of the business as a whole.

INGO Insurance Company remains committed to helping Ukrainian companies in difficult conditions by providing reliable insurance coverage and support at all stages of their operations.

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