In the first 6 months of 2019, JSIC "INGO Ukraine" collected almost UAH 750 million of insurance premiums, which is 35% higher than in the same period last year.
The structure of fees:
- Motor insurance - over UAH 388 million.
- Property and liability - over UAH 157 million.
- Personal insurance - over UAH 165 million.
- Special types of insurance - over UAH 37 million.
The company demonstrated the greatest dynamics in collections under voluntary fire and natural disaster insurance (+138%), voluntary health insurance (+85%), voluntary motor third party liability insurance (+64%) and voluntary property insurance (+63%).
As of June 30, 2019, the amount of eligible assets, taking into account the criteria of liquidity, profitability and quality, amounted to UAH 1,937 million (+12%). The actual solvency margin amounts to UAH 593.5 million, which exceeds the regulatory indicator by UAH 368.7 million. The company paid out UAH 311.5 million (+18.4%) in respect of its obligations to customers for 6 months of 2019 and settled more than 66 thousand insurance events. As of 30.06.2019, the formed claims reserves amounted to UAH 202.4 million.
The company successfully works with both retail clients and the corporate sector, thus maintaining a balanced portfolio of insurance premiums. During 6 months of 2019, more than 132 thousand insurance contracts were concluded, including more than 101 thousand with individuals and more than 31 thousand with legal entities.
For reference:
PJSC"Joint Stock Insurance Company "INGO Ukraine " has 25 years of experience in the market. Since 2017, the company's main shareholder has been the Ukrainian business group DCH of Aleksandr Yaroslavsky. The company is one of the largest insurance organizations in Ukraine in terms of premiums, own assets and insurance claims. It holds 28 licenses for various types of compulsory and voluntary insurance and provides insurance services to corporate and retail clients. "INGO Ukraine is a full member of the Motor (Transport) Insurance Bureau of Ukraine (MTIBU), a member of the American Chamber of Commerce (ACC), the European Business Association (EBA) and the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC). 21.on 06.06.2019, the rating agency IBI-Rating confirmed the long-term credit rating of PJSC "Joint-Stock Insurance Company INGO Ukraine" on the national rating scale at uaAA, with a "stable" outlook.