In April 2022, the persons insured against accidents at INGO received from the company the insurance indemnities amounting to over UAH 1.2 million. This is almost 10 times more than in March this year.
"We are pleased to note that more and more clients can receive financial support in case of occurrence of the insured event", - Head of Personal Insurance Sales Department Marina Zvarych noted - “The policies contain significant sums insured, so they provide for significant indemnity. For example, the largest indemnity in April was about UAH 300,000”.
According to the expert, the moderate cost and coverage around the world make the accident insurance programs relevant even for those who are temporarily abroad during the martial law. The insurance indemnity is paid by a simplified procedure (electronic copies of documents), and the indemnity can be paid to the bank card.
Accordingly, there is also the increase in demand for accident insurance. Thus, for 4 months of 2022, the policies worth over UAH 31 million of premiums were purchased.
"The positive dynamics is due to the universality of accident insurance programs" said Maryna Zvarych. "This allows us to provide financial support to insured persons and their families around the world in difficult times".