Insurance of railway transport (hull insurance)

Protection against risks
We provide coverage against the risks specified in the insurance contract:
You can insure:
- locomotives: electric locomotives, diesel locomotives, steam locomotives, gas turbine locomotives, motor locomotives, motor trains, etc.
- motor-car rolling stock: electric trains, diesel trains, turbo trains, battery trains, etc.
- freight rolling stock: gondola cars, platforms, tanks, hoppers, refrigerators, specialized cars, etc.
- passenger rolling stock: passenger, baggage, postal, restaurant, special purpose cars, etc
- individual units of rolling stock: body, interior, devices and systems, main and auxiliary mechanisms, and other equipment and gear that is part of the structure
Benefits of insurance in INGO

Additionally, we offer
Additionally, within the limits of the contract, the following expenses may be indemnified
- cleaning, cleaning, dismantling of damaged railway transport
- transportation of the damaged vehicle to the place of repair
- transportation of materials, components and parts to the place of repair
Together with the railway transport, you can insure additional equipment that is not provided for in the technical passport issued by the manufacturer.
Additional equipment is not insured separately from the railway vehicle on which it is installed.
The insurance contract may provide for reimbursement of reasonable expenses aimed at rescuing the insured railway transport and reducing the amount of damage, as well as expenses for determining the amount of damage. As a rule, the amount of such indemnity is up to 1% of the sum insured.
outlook - «Evolving»

Is it possible to expand the list of insurance risks?
Yes, please contact our experts who will help you choose the necessary extension of coverage to other risks or territories.
How is the sum insured determined when concluding an insurance contract?
The sum insured may be determined
- in the full amount of the actual value, in which case the sum insured is equal to the actual value of a unit of rolling stock
- in part of the full value, with the insurance indemnity being paid in proportion to the ratio of the sum insured to the actual value of the rolling stock
How is the payment calculated in case of partial damage and loss of a railway vehicle?
The amount of payment is calculated as follows: in case of partial damage - in the amount not exceeding the cost of restoration repairs, in case of total loss - within the sum insured less depreciation for the period of validity of the insurance contract, deductible and the actual market value of the remains of the damaged railway vehicle. The actual market value of the remains is determined based on the results of online auctions or on the results of an expert evaluation.
Are railway transport means with mechanical damage and/or corrosion accepted for insurance?
Yes, they shall be accepted, but only if such damage/corrosion is recorded in the Insured's application. Claims for damage to such parts and components shall be accepted by the Insurer provided that such mechanical damage/corrosion has been repaired by the Insured at his/her own expense prior to the occurrence of an event having signs of an insured event, as evidenced by supporting documents.